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Writing loaders

First initialize a folder as a nodejs package. Its name should follow meml-loader-[Language name]. Add the following code to the file.

class Loader {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration variables
// Configuration variables
supportsWebImport = false
supportsLocalImport = false
supportsDestructureImport = false
supportContentImport = false
// A regexp that matches against the file extension
fileMatch = new RegExp('.+\\.foo')
// The name of your file loader
name = 'meml-loader-[Language name]'
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Import functions
// Note: all import functions must be async or error out when called
// Destructure imports
// (import (something1, something2) from 'somefile')
// Expected to return Promise<Map<string, string | ComponentDefinition>>
webDestructureImport(pathContents, path, toImport, production) {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
// Content Import
// (import 'somefile')
// Expected to return Promise<string>
webContentImport(pathContents, path, production) {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
// Destructure imports
// (import (something1, something2) from 'somefile')
// Expected to return Promise<Map<string, string | ComponentDefinition>>
localDestructureImport(pathContents, path, toImport, production) {
throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
// Content Import
// (import 'somefile')
// Expected to return Promise<string>
async localContentImport(pathContents, path, production) {
return pathContents

Then export it as MEMLLoader:

module.exports = {
MEMLLoader: Loader,

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