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Writing your first page

Create a folder where you want your project to be. Open a terminal or command prompt in that folder and run:

mld init

Now, open vscode. In the menu bar click File > Open Folder and navigate to the directory you just ran your code in.

In the bottom right you will get a notification With the text "Do you want to install the recommended extensions?". Click install. This will install all of the necessary development dependencies for MEML.

File structure#

MLD creates a simple, easy to understand file structure. The following files are created:

  • .vscode/: A set of configuration files for vscode. You don't really need to edit or understand this folder
  • .gitignore: If you set up a git repo in this folder, this will stop you from uploading (committing) files you don't need to commit
  • package.json: A bunch of stuff setup and maintained by MLD to maintain compatibility with nodejs and npm
  • app.json: The configuration of your website
  • src/: Where all of the files for your websites are stored

See it live#

MLD makes it incredibly easy to see your website in action. Press Ctrl + ~ to open a new terminal in vscode. Run mld dev in that terminal. Now you can open http://localhost:8080 in a new tab in your browser.

Make a change#

In vscode, open the src/index.meml file. Replace

(h1 'Hello world!')


(h1 'My website')

If you go back to your browser, you will see the website has updated.